viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

NIBIRU BEST Video EVER Recorded Seychelles 17th Feb. 2016

Publicado el 17 feb. 2016

Video Footage researched by Dill Martin:
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Nibiru clearly Visible. Astrologist, Ex Government officials, Political insiders are all saying the same thing... 2016 is the year we have all been hearing about. The return of Planet X or Nibiru to some, Wormwood to others. Is John Moore correct in his statements that Planet x, or Nibiru, Wormwood are actually on a close approach of Planet Earth Research delving into the issue of Wormwood, Planet X, aka Nibiru. With Obama's recent speech on Global Warming, take notice to what he also had to say about a possible end of life as we know it here on earth. Why was this said With so many conspiracy's of the end times coming already spreading around the world. Why make such a statement

John Moore has interviewed dozens of US Navy submarine and surface fleet veterans on the subject of rapid global sea level rise, gleaning information from the questions he asks, questions the main stream media is afraid to ask. His investigative prowess has allowed him to produce two major videos on the subject of Planet X; videos that are backed up by diligent research, documented history and scientific fact.

John Moore also broke the story in the alternative media on the actual stoppage of the Gulf Stream in June of 2010. Through his carefully cultivated ties with noted domestic and international scientists and with learned academics, he was able to bring to the public's attention the potentially devastating effects of current's termination off of the coast of Cape Hatteras. Unfortunately, the Winters of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 have borne out his fore-stated hypothesis of bitterly cold winters afflicting the UK and much of Western Europe.

Let us all Pray that these people are wrong, and life will continue to proceed as normal, or as normal as we have come to except into 2016. But if they are right, Let us all be very Thankful for this information while there was still time to receive it.

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