De: https://cerntruth.wordpress.com/
Artículos sobre el CERN y el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones, conocido eufemísticamente como la "MÁQUINA DE DIOS" (LHC) en este enlace:
El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
In 2015 as the LHC increases the potency and number of quarks it collides in its experiments, it will create greater quantities of atoms of strangelet liquid, called hyperons, made of up, down and strange quarks, which it has already produced in unexpected numbers at low energies, despite all their safety reports that said it would never produce them.
As quarks accelerate at c-speed, they acquire mass, because energy cannot go beyond light speed. Energy curls tiny vortices of space-time (Einstein’s definition of mass), making those quarks heavier. At light speed our protons made of up and down quarks (uud) will become strange quarks, converting the colliding protons into hyperons (usd particles, atoms of usd=strange liquid). Within the point of collision hyperons merge in pairs becoming dibaryons, which are stable and neutral and so they cannot be detected.
Thus dibaryons once formed, will fall to the center of the Earth, accreting matter as they form a growing ball of strange liquid. If they have not enough critical mass to become stable, which will ‘likely’ happen after 2015’s increase in luminosity and potency produces them in massive numbers, those dibaryon will explode in their path to the center of the Earth provoking mini-big bangs in the mantle, which will cause an increase in earthquake activity after the machine switches on. But some might arrive to the center of the Earth, where they will form a growing ball of ultradense strange liquid, which finally will crunch the Earth into a strange star.
We will know this scenario’s end is closer, when we experience magnitude 9 earthquakes that kill hundreds of thousands of human beings. As such earthquakes have never happened within a single year, the existence of a couple of those earthquakes will mean the process of accretion which is ‘exponential’ have been triggered.
A black hole is made of strings (the minimal components of quarks) which are the components of gluons and quarks. Their mathematical description is equivalent (a 5th dimensional world of strings is equivalent to a 4 dimensional world of quarks); which reinforces the idea that a black hole is a top quark star.
The LHC was created to produce massive quantities of top quarks since the Higgs and a top quark condensate are the same substance, (the Higgs was promoted as the new ‘God particle’ just to get more research resources, not allocated to study known-particles). It will not form black holes that evaporate. Since quarks don’t evaporate.
The black hole will not fall to the Earth but it will become the new, densest center of the Earth and the Earth will fall into LHC’s creation. The process will last a very short time. Some images might be captured on TV but most likely wherever we are, we will just feel a strong wind, and then a blast of attractive forces will crunch and kill us, as the Earth explodes into a Nova.
Certainties in this theme.
The black hole scenario has been the most commented by the press. Yet it remains secondary to the strangelet scenario, both for theoretical and practical reasons. Since one ‘single case’ will do us and strangelets are easier to do in ion ion collisions. This should be the first event to happen.
Of course the P.R.ess which backs CERN but also makes money with catastrophist scenarios mostly concentrates in the black hole scenario, when it wants to create a ‘big scare’, with big sales prior to the final happy conclusion of a CERN’s expert: ‘nothing will happen, it is all a joke’,
The certainty of black hole creation in that sense is not absolute, because Y it depends on the existence of strings, of which there is theoretical certainty but not possible experimental proofs (they are too small to be observed). The models of this author on the metrics of the scalar Universe (5th Dimension) however considers that black holes are top quark stars and in that case, black holes will be produced, and certainly will not evaporate.
Ultimately both models of black holes are not exclusive. Since if string theory is truth, all particles will be made of strings. And top quarks which show a very strong force and huge mass and huge positive charge will attract each other and the matter of the Earth with the same force that super-gravitation (the theoretical deduction of string theory). In that regard the reader should understand that most sound theories in physics are parallel, similar theories that reinforce each other, since they use ‘parallel’ mathematical equations. Models vary in the mathematical ‘sentence’, as multiple verbal sentences mean the same, when we use similar words. So the ‘hidden dimensions’ of String theory that make Gravitation far more powerful are equivalent to the far more powerful attraction that the creation of a top quark star will cause. As the LHC is designed to produce massive quantities of Tops (which are in fact a key product of Higgs processes), all indicates that black holes either modeled with strong theory or top quark theory will happen.
We conclude that both scenarios should happen, strangelets with absolute certainty, black holes if as 90% of physicists believe, string theory is truth. So we shall give the black hole scenario for the 2015-2020 period of statistical collisions (that might shoot on ‘perfect’ target the microscopic protons to reach the required energy) a 90% of chances.
The childish irresponsibility of Physicists accustomed for 70 years, an entire human life, to accept existential risks for the Earth on top of the military-industrial complex, explains in any case their ‘law of silence’. If 99.9% of nuclear physicists accepted the cold war that already could have killed life on Earth, living on the industry of making nuclear weapons and researching them on accelerators, why now they should change their mind? Wishful thinking is the norm in a nihilist corporation that has in its entrance a statue to Shiva and Kali, Lords of death. Why the rest of society accepts those risks? The answer in this case is obvious: we live in a happy ‘Truman Show’, a happy new world mixture of the dystopias of Huxley and Orwell, in which the virtual reality of the Media System, paid by corporations censors any issues of risks related to the industrial-Military complex. And people, as in the parable of Matrix always chooses to be ‘data’, to live the virtual dream, to believe…
So only the scientific method, its experimental, epistemological and theoretical models can guide our search for ‘cerntruth’.
Of course CERN does not make public those sound-sound, known-known scientific models that prove the risks. For example, it ignores all about top quark condensates that will be produced in Higgs reactions and only focuses on the propaganda of the HIggs particle as the ‘saint grail’ of physics, which is NOT.
Tomado de: https://cerntruth.wordpress.com/
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