domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Las profecías de Seiner van Rensburg, la muerte de Nelson Mandela y el 'Fin de los Tiempos'

Seiner van Rensburg
Las profecías de Seiner van Rensburg, la muerte de Nelson Mandela y el 'fin de los tiempos'

Diciembre 12 de 2013

El 5 de diciembre de 2013 después de que Nelson Mandela se debatiera durante meses entre la vida y la muerte en contra de todas las expectativas, el Gobierno de Sudáfrica anunció que el gran hombre defensor de las libertades había muerto. Por lo tanto, después de un periodo de profunda incertidumbre, el icono finalmente murió. Entonces comenzó un proceso de duelo por parte de la familia Mandela, la Presidencia de Sudáfrica y por los principales mandatarios mundiales. Pero para otras muchas personas la muerte de Madiba es el inicio del fin de los tiempos profetizado por Siener van Rensburg, un hombre que vivió desde finales de 1800 hasta principios de 1900 en Sudáfrica que realizó multitud de profecías que se han hecho realidad.

Las profecías de Rensburg y la muerte de Madiba

Algunos ciudadanos de Sudáfrica ya se están preparando para los disturbios civiles que dejará una multitud de muertos, desencadenado así un verdadero estado de sitio. Esto es debido a que la imagen de Mandela era parte de un plan “preparado”. Un precursor de un evento apocalíptico que no sólo afectará a Sudáfrica, sino también al mundo entero. La razón de esta creencia se debe a un bóer sudafricano (agricultor) llamado Nicolaas Pieter Johannes “Siener” van Rensburg y sus profecías. El apodo “Siener” proviene de la palabra africana adivino o vidente. Rensburg fue el Nostradamus de Sudáfrica, aunque un poco más moderno. Rensburg nació el 30 de agosto de 1864 y falleció el 11 de marzo de 1926, y desde muy pequeño ya tenía visiones llenas de imágenes y simbolismo, registrándose un total de 700 a lo largo de toda su vida.

Rensburg fue, ante todo, un agricultor que en “su tiempo libre” participaba en diversas acciones militares y guerras. Combatió en la Segunda Guerra Anglo-Boer y en la Primera Guerra Mundial, uniéndose a un grupo de rebeldes que se oponían a que Sudáfrica participase en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Pero fue durante la Primera Guerra Mundial que Rensburg empezó a explicar en público sus visiones. Él predijo gran cantidad de acontecimientos, una de las cuales hacía referencia a Gran Bretaña consumida por las llamas. En poco tiempo, sus predicciones eran ya conocidas en toda Sudáfrica. El agricultor hizo una gran cantidad de profecías que se cumplieron, recogidas en el libro “La voz de un Profeta”, que decían lo siguiente:

1. Antes de que nadie pudiese imaginar una cosa así como un portaaviones, tuvo una visión de una extraña nave en un puerto de Namibia. En ese momento el puerto de Lüderitz ni siquiera era un puerto adecuado, era una pequeña bahía donde habían botes de pesca.

2. Él vio la destrucción británica de 64.000 granjas bóers y el sufrimiento detestable con casi 180.000 reses y caballos con los tendones de Aquiles cortados. Estos animales fueron dejados morir de sed.

3. 1 ª Guerra Mundial y el engaño que llevó a los EE.UU. para entrar en la guerra.

4. La revolución comunista de Rusia y el holocausto de los cristianos durante su reinado.

5. La gran epidemia de gripe de 1918.

6. Revueltas mineras en Sudáfrica de 1925.

7. El colapso económico de 1929.

8. La Segunda Guerra Mundial.

9. En 1948 la toma de posesión del gobierno por parte de los nacionalistas en el sur de África.

10. Él previó los problemas raciales iniciadas por los comunistas en el sur de África.

11. La creación de una República Sudafricana en 1960.

12. Sudáfrica sale del poder británico.

13. El aumento del poder negro en Sudáfrica después de 1961.

14. El asesinato de Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, el Primer ministro Sudafricano.

15. Él vio la participación de Sudáfrica en la guerra de Angola contra los rusos cubanos.

16. Margaret Thatcher, la primera ministra de Inglaterra.

17. El encarcelamiento y la liberación de Nelson Mandela.

18. La muerte de la princesa Diana.

19. La primera guerra del Golfo.

20. El poder negro en el gobierno en Sudáfrica. Esto ocurrió 80 años después de que él tuviera la visión.

21. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, ataque contra el World Trade Center.

22. Guerra iraquí contra Sadam Hussein. Sin embargo, esto enfurece al mundo islámico y se lleva a cabo una planificación siniestra contra los EE.UU. La planificación parece tener lugar dentro de los EE.UU. por la misma entidad siniestra que hizo las dos anteriores guerras mundiales.

24. El asesinato del magnate de las minas Sudafricano Brett Kebble.

25. Vio millones de africanos entrando en Sudáfrica ilegalmente durante el gobierno negro.

26. Vio el derrumbe de la economía mundial, similar al del año 1929. Lo que es difícil de identificar es el hecho de que parece indicar que el colapso se produce por los “capitalistas”, a fin de tomar el control del sistema económico mundial. Recuerda que él vio esto hace casi cien años, en 1914.

Estas han sido solo algunas de sus profecías cumplidas y como hemos comprobado las predicciones de Rensburg no consistían únicamente en eventos mundiales. Las visiones apocalípticas de Siener van Rensburg después del entierro de Mandela ha influido en un gran número de personas sudafricanas conocidas como “Los Suidlanders” que creen casi implícitamente en las predicciones de Rensburg. Mientras que sus compatriotas están de luto y asisten al funeral del difunto héroe mundial, los Suidlanders se están preparando para la evacuación y la guerra; preparando rutas de escape y la recolección de más armas, municiones y alimentos para sobrellevar el largo período de purificación que supuestamente comenzará con la Operación Uhuru, que significa “el principio del fin”.

Pero si las profecías de Rensburg que hemos visto anteriormente parecen impresionantes, aún lo es más las profecias sobre el encarcelamiento y la liberación de Nelson Mandela:

“En la mañana del 8 de septiembre de 1925, el vidente le dijo a su hija Anna, que veía a un hombre negro liberado de la prisión en un futuro lejano y a su regreso llevará consigo un mensaje importante. Sin embargo, es sólo después de la muerte violenta de un líder negro y una huelga masiva que paralizará el país y tendrá lugar el verdadero problema.

Este líder negro estará en la plaza de la iglesia en Pretoria mientras que miles de personas acudirán para ofrecerle “un último homenaje”: El cuerpo del rey (líder negro) se colocará en un ataúd de cristal y se ubicará en la Plaza de la Iglesia de Pretoria durante siete días. Las personas llegaran de todas partes del mundo para rendir homenaje a este rey. Nadie trabajará durante siete días, para que la gente pueda trasladarse más allá del día y de la noche, llorándole amargamente sin sentirse consolados durante siete días. “En el octavo día será sepultado en el Acre de los Héroes” (Una parcela especial en el viejo cementerio de Church Street, Pretoria, reservado a los hombres de Estado).

Sin embargo, cuando las fuerzas armadas en Pretoria estén preparadas, los bóers estarán listos para la acción y Johannesburgo será atacada con bombas, que sacudirán a todo el mundo. La consiguiente guerra se extenderá rápidamente hacia el norte hasta que el conjunto de Europa está en llamas. Pero Inglaterra se verá afectada, con consecuencia de los disturbios raciales y hambrunas”

Una nueva “noche de los cuchillos largos”

Según los expertos en las predicciones del bóer, la “xenofobia” será el primer paso en la “limpieza” de Sudáfrica. Apodado como “la noche de los cuchillos largos” esta operación se iniciará con acciones violentas de negros contra negros. Y parece cumplirse, ya que según algunos medios de comunicación han informado de que los negros sudafricanos ya están advirtiendo a otros negros inmigrantes que viven en el país que lo abandonen después del entierro Mandela o morirán.

Una vez que se haya completado “la limpieza” en el país entonces masacrarán a los ciudadanos blancos. Según los expertos, esta predicción está compuesta por las visiones de Rensburg y las visiones de una mujer llamada Johanna Brandt Suidlander, quien también predijo una sangrienta guerra entre las tribus de Sudáfrica, además de que el ataque de negros sobre blancos se producirá en Johannesburgo.

¿A las puertas del Apocalipsis?

Así que parece ser que muchas de las profecías de Rensburg se han hecho realidad y otras están empezando a cumplirse. Así que nos lleva a la pregunta, ¿el resto de sus profecías se harán realidad? y si es así, ¿cuáles son las implicaciones en el futuro a nivel mundial? Sin embargo, si las profecías de Rensburg continúan cumpliéndose, entonces sus profecías están indicando claramente que estamos al borde de la Tercera Guerra Mundial y del verdadero Apocalipsis. Muchos expertos en profecías apuntan a que los datos señalan el 2017 como el año de la “Segunda Venida”, cuando supuestamente Cristo (o el falso mesías) regresará a la tierra. Entonces si esto es así, el colapso financiero y la Tercera Guerra Mundial podría comenzar en cualquier momento entre ahora y la primavera de 2014. Así que habrá que estar atentos a los últimos acontecimientos de Sudáfrica, porque si se produce la sublevación como predijo Rensburg, entonces los otros eventos que él predijo probablemente sean inminentes.
Artículo completo en inglés con el resto de las profecías

Nelson Mandela and the Van-Rensburg Prophecies

Here is a list compiled by one author of his fulfilled prophecies taken from the book, Voice of a Prophet.

1. Before anybody could imagine such a thing as an aircraft carrier, he had a vision of this strange ship in a Namibian harbor. At that stage the harbor of Luderitz was not even a proper harbor, it was a small bay where fishing dinghies used to beach.

2. He saw the British destruction of 64,000 Boer farmsteads and the detestable suffering they caused to nearly 180,000 cattle and horses by cutting their fetlock tendons (Achilles tendons). These animals were left to die from thirst.

3. World War 1 and the deceit that lead to the USA entering the war.

4. The Russian communist revolution and the Holocaust of Christians during their reign. Estimates have it that the USSR communists killed as many as50 million people between 1917 and 1945.

5. The Great Influenza epidemic of 1918.

6. Mining riots in South Africa 1925.

7. The economic collapse of 1929.

8. The Second World War.

9. The 1948 take-over of government by the Nationalists in South Africa.

10. He foresaw the race troubles started by the communists in South Africa[South African Government.

11. The creation of a Republic in SA 1960.

12. South Africa leaving the British Commonwealth.

13. The rise of black power in South Africa after 1961.

14. The assassination of Dr. HF Verwoerd, the SA Prime minister.

15. He saw SA's involvement in the Angola war against the Russian backed Cubans.

16. Margaret Thatcher as first woman prime minister of England.

17. Nelson Mandela's imprisonment and release.

18. Death of Princess Diana.

19. The first Gulf war.

20. Black takeover of government in South Africa. This happened 80 years after he had the vision.

21. He saw that moderate colored and white people would rule one Province, the Western Cape Province, for one term before losing to the ANC again. The ANC is now (2011) arranging for a massive influx of ANC supporters to the Western Cape Province. A law is being prepared for Parliament that will put Colored and white people out of jobs in order that black ANC supporters from other provinces can get the jobs. By doing this, the ANC will have imported the 100 000 required voters to win back the Western Cape.

22. The September eleven attack on the WTC.

23. Iraqi war against Sadam Hussein. This however infuriates the Islamic World and sinister planning against the USA takes place. The planning seems to take place within the USA by the same sinister entity that caused the previous two World Wars.

24. The murder of the SA Mining Magnate Brett Kebble.

25. He saw Millions of Africans coming into SA illegally during black government.

26. He saw a massive dip, similar to 1929, in the World economy. What is difficult to pinpoint is the fact that he appears to indicate that the collapse is caused (planned) by the “Capitalists” in order to take control of the world economic system. Remember that he saw this nearly a hundred years ago in 1914.

All the aforementioned have already occurred or are in the process of happening.

That looks like a pretty impressive list. Notice above that he foresaw the imprisonment and release of Nelson Mandela. There is more to the Mandela prophecy.

On the morning of 8th September 1925, the Seer told his daughter, Anna, he sees a black man being released from prison in the distant future, visit Russia, and on his return, be appointed in an important post. The country will be thrown into chaos under his rule. However, it is only after the violent death of a black leader, and a massive strike cripples the country, that real trouble starts.

This black leader will lie in state on Church Square in Pretoria, while people flock there in their thousands to ‘pay their last respects’: “The body of the king(black leader) is placed in a glass coffin and he lies in state on Church Square, Pretoria—for seven days. Mourners came from all over the world to pay homage to this king (of the rainbow-nation). Nobody worked—for seven days, for people moved past the coffin day and night, fell on it and wept bitterly, and could not be consoled—for seven days.” On the eighth day he was buried in Heroes’ Acre.”(A special plot in the old cemetery in Church Street, Pretoria, reserved for statesmen)…

However, when the armed forces advance on Pretoria at dawn, the Boers are ready for action and Johannesburg is bomb-attacked, which shakes the whole world. The ensuing war will quickly spread northwards until the whole of Europe is in flames. But England will suffer the most as a result of race riots and famine...”

And guess what, it is being reported that Mandela is going to be put in a glass coffin and will lie in state from December 11 to 13 at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

So it looks as if the rest of the prophecy is starting to be fulfilled. And after Mandela’s funeral he foresaw violence and civil war that will erupt in South Africa. It just so happens that WND posted an article back in 2004 entitledWhite Slaughter in South Africa in which they stated “plans are being made by the nation’s Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say.”

So I would say that in regards to the prophecies above the situation in South Africa bears watching. But the situation bears watching, not only in South Africa, but for the world, because Rensburg foresaw other things that would occur after the South Africa uprisings, like WWIII and the things below.

27. He saw many of his countrymen and fellow Afrikaners being exiled to countries like Australia, New Zeeland, Canada and some Islands in the Far East. Whites are leaving the country in droves as they are virtually totally barred from holding a permanent job. A small-business person (white) is forced by law to GIVE 50% of his/her business to a black partner (upcoming legislation 2011).

28. England will eventually have a greater Black than white population. The International Express (newspaper) in England reports that about a hundred thousand illegal immigrants are deported monthly.

29. A cataclysmic event will cause many Africans and Indians to flee to Britain.

30. He saw many Islands along the Indonesian, Malaysian area and the Asian Pacific Rim sinking into the sea.

31. He saw the southern part of Australia inundated with water, possibly the sea.

32. Parts of Japan will sink below sea level.

33. He saw turmoil and protracted skirmishes leading to WW3.

34. A civil uprising in the USA. This could be the Civil rights movement of Martin Luther King or the LA riots, but it appears to be still coming, as there will be many deaths.

35. The USA, Spain, Germany, Japan and England with some commonwealth countries will be the main allies in ww3. Most of Western Europe will be overrun and devastated by people from the Middle East. This will be so quick that proper defensive action will not be ready in time.

36. A high British official will commit treason against the allies to try and save his country from nuclear destruction.

37. After near total destruction of the West, the West eventually manages to regain the upper hand.

38. Large areas of the USA are totally destroyed and Europe is virtually uninhabitable. Thousands of European refugees come by sea to South Africa. The refugees are transported inland, by train, from Cape Town and tent villages appear over a distance of 400 miles along the railway line as far as the town of “De Aar”.

39. Civilized and competent government will be reinstated in South Africa after WW3.

In regards to # 34, the USA uprising; another prophecy researcher read the entire book about the prophecies of Van Rensburg, and had this to say in regards to WWIII and his prophecies.

Seer van Rensburg's vision doesn't tell us what this is about. However, the Romanian prophet Dumitru Duduman's visions and prophecies tell us very clearly. From Dumitru's book, Through The Fire Without Burning.

"When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety--from the middle of the country, some of the people will fight the government, started by the communists (e.g. socialists/progressives). The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean...Russia will bomb the nuclear weapons storehouses in one day...and America will burn."

The sequence of events is an economic collapse worldwide. Massive waves of illegal immigration. These cause civil wars to break out in many countries. Then WW3 begins. We are not given the year, but need to watch the signs God has given us through the prophets in order to know the season and times.

In regards to WWIII, here is a more detailed description of the details of the Rensburg WWIII prophecies.

During 1942/43 a member of the Ossewa-Brandwag, ‘Oupa’ Krause gave an almost unbelievable description to Mr. E.L. Brits, of the Seer’s visions on the outbreak of a future world war.

Because England fears a Russian bomb attack, they connive in secret with the Russians. They betray Western military secrets to Russia and sign treaties with Russia against the USA. Russia mistrusts the English; the USA learns of this treachery and realizes the danger of English betrayal against it. The great clash between American and British troops takes place in Egypt after the next world war has started. The English army is defeated and those still alive after the battle, are taken prisoner. It is also there where our troops are stopped and disarmed.

The English attempt to get help in secret from the Japanese, but are unsuccessful. During the night Russia storms through Turkey (Iraq) en route to the Suez region, while Turkey offers no resistance. The Russians make contact with the American army in Syria and Palestine where they (the Russians) are stopped by the Americans. Palestine is destroyed during the fighting. Some Arabs side with the Americans. Many oilfields in the Middle-East are set alight. The Red Army is defeated by the more advanced secret weaponry of the USA.

The Russians break through to Spain en route to Gibraltar, and when they are stopped there, they turn on England and attack them from the air. England is totally destroyed.

Many secret weapons and gas is used everywhere. While horror (atomic?) bombs sow death and destruction, nations will be annihilated. While some nations cease to exist, others will still survive, but will be worthless. It will be a devastating war and everyone will be expected to go and fight.

Our Boer nation will not be destroyed, for we have a purpose and destination. England will be a very minor factor. Ireland also gains its freedom and drives the English from their country. Holland surrenders without a whimper. France will somehow survive; Russia will be finished and although the USA will not be destroyed, it will be a very weak nation. The Germans declare peace in Europe and become the strongest nation in a very short time.

The Beginning of Oppression War breaks out in Europe around April or May (year unknown) as soon as the thaw sets in, but by the time there is no more ice and snow, it will have progressed considerably—so much so that it seems if the Russians are winning.

An atmosphere of oppression will prevail not only in Europe, but also in our own country. The Germans will make use of the opportunity to take revenge on England, which will be totally annihilated. As usual, the USA in Europe will initially flee, but return later with a strong military force and stop Russia in Spain.

Van Rensburg says the Germans will be fully armed—probably with secret armaments from underground arsenals, which, indeed, is the case. The war will be very swift, destructive and dreadful. Nations will be annihilated very quickly by means of air attacks, horror (nuclear?) bombs and germ warfare. Laser Beams? The worst will be ‘electric beams’ sowing death and destruction above and below; even the soil will be destroyed and few people will remain alive.

That is the data I have at this time. What are we to make of it? Let me first make a few observations. One thing I would like to point out is they are using a glass coffin for the burial of Mandela and he will be lying in state at Pretoria—just as Rensburg saw. However the prophecy states that he is to lie in state for 7 days, but according to the news article, he is only scheduled for 3 days. The prophecy also states he is to be buried in Pretoria, but he is to be buried at his home in Quino. So that seems to raise some questions.

I also found it interesting that he foresaw a great uprising after Mandela’s death and that WND reports that such an uprising has indeed been planned. He also told of WWIII starting sometime after the uprisings. At present there are many precursor signs that WWIII is near. I also found it interesting that he foresaw Britain betraying the United States to the Russians. If you remember the Hildegarde prophecies that I posted about, a few weeks back; an analysis of her prophecy indicates that the Lion (Britain) will come against the USA after the great comet comes.

Along with all of this physical turmoil we will suffer a military loss in WWIII at the hands of the Tiger (China) and England (Lion). Remember the antichrist will most likely be from England—our mother country—and cannot tolerate a super power—this gives new meaning to the phrase “Mommy Dearest.” The Hildegarde Prophecy and Comet ISON—Good Bye America the Babylon

So it looks as if many of Rensburg’s prophecies have come true and some more are starting to come true. Thus that leads to the question; will the rest of his prophecies come true, and if so what are the implications?

I do not know the future, except what is revealed in scripture, however if the Rensburg prophecies continue to come true, then the prophecies are implying that we are on the precipice of WWIII and the other seals of Revelation. Remember what I have been telling you, if the data pointing to 2017 as the year of the Second Coming—when Christ returns to earth at Armageddon—is accurate, then the financial collapse and WWIII could start any time between now and spring 2014.

Thus in light of the Rensburg prophecies the situation in South Africa bears watching intently. Because if the uprising occurs as predicted, then the other events he foresaw are likely to be imminent. 

Luke 12:37
Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall findwatching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Luke 21:36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

1 Thessalonians 5:6
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

Revelation 3:3
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Revelation 16:15
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 

Are you watching and ready for the end times? Have you prepared for what is about to take place on the Earth? Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphany.

Update 12/12:
In response to some of the comments regarding the prophecy above not matching exactly with the circumstances of Mandela's death and burial. I stated above that it "raises some questions" such as; Is the prophecy about Mandela or another black leader, or was the prophecy mistranslated or misinterpreted, or is the prophecy not accurate? Time will tell, but in the meantime I will repeat what I said above--"Thus in light of the Rensburg prophecies the situation in South Africa bears watching intently."

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